Allows you to edit metadata in a JPG image.

Running this code will edit the metadata of the image "captcha.jpg" with the following properties:
- Title: My Title
- Subject: Su
- Rating: 4
- Keywords: keyword1,keyword2,keyword3
- Comments: Hello
- Author: Author1,Author2,Author3
- Date Taken: "$date" (Current Date)
- Application Name: Boom
- Copyright: @2015
- Camera Model: Vivo XShot
- Camera Manufacturer: Vivo
plugin command("Image Automation.dll", "Image Automation Set License", "AMBCBD6CE45B2C5874D0FB07E4969C")
plugin command("Image Automation.dll", "image jpg metadata edit", "{$special folder("Application")}\\captcha.jpg", "My Title", "Su", 4, "keyword1,keyword2,keyword3", "Hello", "Author1,Author2,Author3", $date, "Boom", "@2015", "Vivo XShot", "Vivo")