Automation Commands
- base64 to image
- gif to image
- image alpha
- image auto rotate
- image background color
- image background transparent
- image blank
- image blur
- image brightness
- image caption
- image change pixel format
- image change resolution
- image color filter
- image contrast
- image converter
- image converter webp
- image convolution
- image crop
- image crop entropy
- image crop layer
- image decrease colour depth
- image detect multi scale
- image edge detection
- image edges
- image embed text
- image emboss
- image flip
- image gamma
- image gaussian blur
- image gaussian blur layer
- image gaussian sharpen
- image gaussian sharpen layer
- image grayscale
- image hsl
- image hue
- image invert color
- image jpg metadata edit
- image jpg metadata edit advanced
- image kayyali
- image kirsch
- image laplacian of gaussian
- image laplacian3x3
- image linear gradient
- image matches
- image mean removal
- image merge
- image metadata reader
- image opacity
- image overlay
- image overlay color
- image pixelate
- image prewitt
- image quality
- image rectangle
- image reduce file size
- image remapping color
- image remove transparent
- image replace color
- image resize
- image resolution
- image roberts cross
- image rotate/flip
- image rounded corners
- image saturation
- image scharr
- image sepia color
- image sharpen
- image smooting
- image sobel
- image space
- image split
- image threshold
- image thumbnail
- image tile
- image tint
- image to ascii art
- image to gif
- image to icon
- image vignette
- image watermark/image
- image watermark/text
- text to image